
About Jimena de la Frontera, the province of Cadiz and Spain as a whole, focused on this small village in the mountains


We got a call from a friend who said she had a painting that might interest us. We rushed over to look. It is, indeed, a great find. Apparently the picture came into her possession through an employer she had been working with for a number of years and no longer lives in Jimena, which she still does.



As our friend pointed out, it curiously depicts a rider in jockey costume on an English saddle, using an eminently English bridle and jumping over a very English-looking fence. One possible explanation is that it might have derived from the races held in Campamento at the end of the19th century and beginning of the 20th in which members of the armed forces stationed inGibraltar took part. It is also possible that Carnival revelers of the time were taking the mickey out of the Brits in the area.

If you or anyone you know has any ideas as to its origins, please let us know (e-mail) as this is an interesting part of Jimena history at a period on which there is not a lot of documentation.

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